The complete guide for travelers in London
The foreign and commonwealth office draws up an extensive list of countries that should not be travelled quite regularly and it is from that our, and other global travel insurance providers', underwriters decide which countries travel insurance should be provided for. We look at the government travel advice and decide from that whether or not we can provide insurance to travellers.
Although global travel insurance does, by its nature, cover the majority of the world, the current climate ensures that there are some places where the likelihood of incident means that UK travel insurance providers are unable to offer protection.
Thankfully, the list is clear of the majority of popular holiday destinations, and you're unlikely to have your big holiday plans affected. The most likely group to have their travel plans altered by the foreign office's travel advice are business travellers.
The foreign office's travel advice is not to travel to the following countries, even if it means losing business the risk from the warzones listed below is just too great to make the reward worth:
“Ei elit omnes impedit ius, vel et hinc agam fabulas. Ut audiamre iracundia vim. An sumo diam ea. Cu omnis.”
ere's our top 10 countries to avoid travelling to, and the reasons for the high risk factor! The risk is far from conclusive (the foreign office's travel advice lists many more countries), but to me, these are the ones that all travellers should avoid like the plague:

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